This is a model of the Chambers R-1 Chambermaid. It is a pistachio (max. span 20 cm) which I've built from a plan of Bill Henn. This plan is for a model with a span of 60 cm, which I've reduced in size. All wood dimensions are 1 mm. The only changes I've made to the original construction is that I made all control surfaces seperate and adjustable. This can be handy for trimming, but it also gives 5 extra points when I compete with this model in a contest with BMFA-rules.
The model is covered with white Esaki tissue, the tail surfaces are covered with condenser paper. It is spray painted in a light creme colour with a Tamiya Racing White spray can, the lettering is black esaki tissue.
I've cut a 3.5" balsa "Bill Henn prop". I have made the blades a bit wider because this functions better on these small models. The prop has a small spinner which I vacu-formed from plastic sheet.
The pilot is carved from foam and painted with artist acryllics. The wheels are black depron foam, the exhausts are rolled tissue tubes.
The 5 gram model has flown indoor as well as outdoor. The longest indoor flight was 55 seconds. This was using 2200 turns on a loop of 1,36 g/m and a weight of 1,1 gram.
The model flew very well at the IIFI 2009 and IIFI 2010, but it didn't receive much points in the scale judging.
The designer of the model, Bill Henn, wrote the following about my pistachio: "Yes, it is a little gem. Through the years since my article on the CM was published (MA 4/79), I saw photos of all different sized CMs, never one that small. The editor of the FFQ, Sergio Montes, sent me several photos of an Au. model. It must have had a WS over 4 ft and, with the huge fuselage, would hardly fit in a car. The model flew OOS on one of its initial flights. I wonder how much rubber the builder used."
I do not have this model anymore because I've sold it to a model flyer in Austria. He is very enthousiastic about the model: "Wout, today I made first wonderful flights. (400 turns). I did not expect such a smooth and slow flight! Thank you again!".