Howard DGA Nederlandse tekst

Nederlandse tekst

Howard DGA

Howard DGA

This model of a Howard DGA is a "Nickel" model, meaning a model which used to be sold for a US-nickel many decades ago. But nowadays these models aren't sold anymore and the materials alone are worth more than a nickel. These models are small with a span of 10" or 25 cm. Construction is very simpel and thus also very light. A free downloadable plan can be found on my plan page.

The model is built from 1,5 x 1,5 mm balsa sticks. Hardest part is bending the stringers in the nose. To achieve this I held the sideframes in my tea and kept them against the side of the hot tea cup. This makes the sides pliable and after drying they keep there shape

Howard DGA Howard DGA Howard DGA


The model is covered in clear  mylar. After covering the model is sprayed using a Tamiya spraycan.

Howard DGA Howard DGA Howard DGA

The black letters are rub-on letters. But the model is far to fragile to use them as rub-on. I took a sheet of regular paper and gave it a thick coat of PVA glue. When the glue was dry I rubbed the letters on the shiny layer of glue. I then put the paper in a shallow tray of water which dissolved the PVA, releasing the black letters.
The colourscheme and registration are pure fictional.

Howard DGA Howard DGA Howard DGA


I started trimming in the summer of 2006. The stability iswasood, but it didn't climb very well on a loop of 0.035" rubber. In 2010 a slightly thicker motor and a trimtab on the left wing did the trick. During the Interscale 2010 the model circled nicely to the 8 meter high ceiling.

Howard DGA Howard DGA Howard DGA

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Semi scale
Fokker F-II
Koolhoven F.K.46
Koolhoven F.K.41
Fokker D.VIII
FROG Birddog
Corben Super Ace
Howard DGA
Veron Wildcat
Jumbo Taylorcraft
Boeing Peashooter
Stinson SR7
Vultee Attack
last modified: 10-nov-2012