Freebird ornithopter

Nederlandse tekst

I wanted to build an Ornithopter for a long time, but it's complexity held me from it. But finally I printed the Freebird plan and started building. It is supposed to be 16" span but on A4 it printed out at about 90% of this size. It builds really easy compared to the scale stuff I usually build. In two evenings it was finished!

The model has already flown. In my living room it makes a nice full circle at almost constant height. I tried this on a few office rubber bands and I still have to make a proper rubber motor. The video is from the website.

The hardest part is bending the crank. On the plan a simple alternative is given, which needs only two 90 degree bends. But the more complex crank gives a nice symmetrical flapping action. Here is how I did it:
- I started with the SFA prop-hook,
- then I put the hook in the bearing and put 2 beads on the wire,
- made a 90 degrees bend,
- made the second 90 degree bend,
- put on the first (basswood) connecting rod,
- made the other 2 bends and put on the second connecting rod,
- put on a bead and glued on a small tube.
- I put the connecting rods between beads on the wing lever wire, and again secured by a small tube

To make the bends I use a small plier with a very thin jaw. It wasn't as hard as I expected and it took me only a few minutes.

What I found is that the wing bearing position didn't match the crank position. Partly because of the beads I used, but also because of the space needed for making the bends. I would advice to make the crank arrangement first and glue the wing bearing in the right position so it lines up nicely.
Covering is unshrunk an unfinished Esaki tissue.

freebird ornithopter freebird ornithopter freebird ornithopter freebird ornithopter

I tested it on a parking place between some large buildings. At first it didn't do much on its loop of 2.8 g/m rubber. It did a level flight, not more. I switched to a long 3.1 g/m (1/8") loop, but this was no improvement. So I bent the tail a bit up, switched back to the original motor and put in as much turns as sensible and tried again. This flight gave me a fright! It took of as a scared bird and started circling to the blue sky. It went over a barb wire fence, over a building, over a few large trees, passed a few big fences again and I was running behind her. When she started to descent it was above a big fenced area
But luckily it just cleared one of the fences and landed on the road next to it. That flight must have been close to 3 minutes! This bird really flies!

freebird ornithopter freebird ornithopter freebird ornithopter freebird ornithopter


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laatst gewijzigd op 08-nov-2012